[ACT-R-users] act-r and social data for a problem-solving application

Joe Corneli holtzermann17 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 14:23:26 EST 2010


I am in the planning phase for a Ph. D. project that may involve
applying ACT-R to problem-solving in a social context
(PlanetMath.org).  At present I could use your help with two different
kinds of leads:

(1) Info about ACT-R and social data in general;
(2) Code and content in which ACT-R is applied to mathematical problem solving.

I'll say a bit more about what I'm looking for below.


I've found a couple of references that relate ACT-R to "social data":

Lebiere, C. (2002). Modeling group decision making in the ACT-R
cognitive architecture. In Proceedings of the 2002 Computational
Social and Organizational Science (CASOS). June 21-23, Pittsburgh, PA.

Simulating Adaptive Communication. Michael Matessa. Fall, 2000.
Department of Psychology. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.

For my project, I hope to model a very wide range of actions that are
related to problem solving, e.g.:

sharing (uploading new exercises or solutions),
connecting (adding links to encyclopedia content or to other problems),
discussing (talking about a problem or solution, asking for help with
a class of problems),

as well as more "classic" ITS-related activities.  Can you suggest any
additional references that apply ACT-R (or related systems) to model
complexes of activities like these?


There is quite a bit of literature about ACT-R being applied to
mathematical problem solving, but are any of the corresponding modules
available in an open source form that I can get my hands dirty with?

Joe Corneli

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