[ACT-R-users] Three (Fully Funded) PhD positions in Groningen

Hedderik van Rijn hedderik at van-rijn.org
Tue Aug 31 06:11:09 EDT 2010

Dear all,

we are looking for applicants for three fully funded PhD positions related to computational cognitive modeling:

210273 PhD position: Keeping irrelevant information out of mind

210247 Ph.D. position: Modeling the evolution of theory of mind

210248 Ph.D. position: A cognitive system supporting intelligent interaction 

As the direction of the projects will depend on the interests of the applicants, each of this projects can have a strong formal modeling component.

If you know good candidates (or if you are one yourself), please bring the relevant advertisement(s) to their attention, and if you have any (informal) questions about these projects, I would be happy to answer them.

  - Hedderik.


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