[ACT-R-users] Graduate Fellowships In Decision Making Over the Life Course

Lael Schooler schooler at mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Mon Oct 26 09:46:12 EDT 2009

Graduate Fellowships In Decision Making Over the Life Course -- The Center
for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition (ABC) at the Max Planck Institute for
Human Development in Berlin and the International Max Planck Research School
"The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics (LIFE)" seek
graduate students intending to pursue a doctorate. Under the direction of
Gerd Gigerenzer, one focus of ABC investigates how heuristics, that is
computational models of simple cognitive processes, enable people to make
effective decisions with limited information. The focus of LIFE is the study
of systematic changes in human behavior over evolutionary and ontogenetic
time. The student¹s primary affiliation will be with ABC, an
interdisciplinary group of psychologists, computer scientists, and
evolutionary biologists, to name just a few of the disciplines represented.
The Center provides excellent resources, including a laboratory run by
professional staff, and generous travel support for conferences. The working
language for both ABC and LIFE is English.
[ www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/forschung/abc
www.imprs-life.mpg.de/ ]
Lael Schooler is particularly interested in supervising students with
interests in the cognitive mechanisms underlying decision making across the
life course and that have a background in computational modeling, preferably
in ACT-R. The ACT-R community strives for a coherent theory of cognition
that can account for phenomena ranging from basic laboratory experiments on
human memory to driving a car or controlling robots.
 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACT-R ]
Applicants should hold, or anticipate receiving, a master's degree, Diplom
or equivalent in a relevant field prior to the their preferred start date,
which can be either April 1st or October 1st , 2010. Students admitted will
receive a monthly stipend of about 1,100 EUR funded by LIFE. The initial
fellowship is for 2 years and two 6-month extensions are possible. The
deadline for applications is November 30, 2009. We strongly encourage
applications from women, and members of minority groups. The Max Planck
Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and
especially encourages them to apply. For details about the application
process, visit 
[  www.imprs-life.mpg.de/en/admission/howto.html  ].
If you have questions, or want pdf¹s of relevant articles, email Lael
[ schooler at mpib-berlin.mpg.de ]. 

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