[ACT-R-users] baa-09-05-rh.doc

Richard Samms richard.samms at ieee.org
Fri Oct 2 08:36:17 EDT 2009

Broad Agency Announcement Title:  Science and Technology For Warfighter Training and Aiding

2.  This objective shall be met through the following three science and technology areas.

            a.  Cognitive Modeling.  Advance cognitive, computational, and computer sciences to create innovative cognitive technologies that enable and optimize our future warfighters.  Research lines of interest include, but are not limited to: Develop functional, cognitively valid, language-capable, and situationally-aware synthetic teammates; Use generative mechanisms to semi-automate the development of cognitive models; Explore alternative processing architectures and exploration/optimization algorithms for faster progress in cognitive modeling; and Predict Performance for Individual Warfighters and Small Teams.
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