[ACT-R-users] Future of ACT-R Workshops

Richard M Young r.m.young at acm.org
Thu Jul 23 04:46:34 EDT 2009

I'm not sure about other European academic timetables, but a workshop 
too early in the summer would be difficult for the Brits.  For 
example, our academic year (3rd term = approx 2nd semester) ran this 
year until 12 June, and our Board of Examiners meeting was on 1st 
July, so it's only really with July that we can regard the summer 
conference season as starting.

In general, I believe for people from outside N America, the timing 
of the past years has been better: holding the Act-R workshop just 
before some other major conference, such as Cog Sci in years when 
it's in N America.  That makes for a sensible & worthwhile trans-Atlantic trip.

Incidentally (though only partly relevant to this email thread), the 
awkwardness of early summer conferences was one of the reasons why 
previous European ICCMs have been held in the spring, not the 
summer.  We do appreciate that that timing is not ideal for American academics.

It's an imperfect world ...

~ Richard

At 00:33 23/07/2009, Mike Byrne wrote:
>On Jul 18, 2009, at 17:51, Gluck, Kevin A Civ USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC
> > I'd like to see ICCM and the ACT-R workshop adopt alternating
> > biennial schedules.  Both co-located with CogSci, of course.
>I vote for this as well, though the rider that it be co-located with
>CogSci is not necessary for me.
>In fact, I'd rather see them *not* co-located and be moved to early
>summer, like late May/early June.  (Actually mid-May would be even
>better but I understand we'd start running into issues with academic
>calendars that early.)

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