[ACT-R-users] Is there any place to get training in ACT-R?]

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Sun Sep 7 11:19:27 EDT 2008

Professor Mike Schoelles at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute teaches  
an excellent course on Computational Cognitive Modeling at the upper  
ugrad and grad student level. The course always begins with another  
architecture (Soar, Epic, and Lebra are some of the ones taught in the  
recent past). Building on concepts acquired from that part of the  
course, students are then lead thru ACTR and end up (by semester's  
end) doing some interesting and significant modeling in ACTR.


On Sep 5, 2008, at 22:39, Catherine Smith wrote:

> >>>>> Several universities around the world have classes which use/ 
> teach modeling with ACT-R.
> Hi Dan,
> Can you please list the schools [other than CMU :) ] currently  
> running classes on ACT-R modeling?
> Thanks very much,
> Cathy Smith
> PS -- As I am new to ACT-R my vote goes to continuing the summer  
> school in some form in 2009
> -- 
> Catherine L. Smith
> PhD Candidate
> School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies
> Rutgers University
> 4 Huntington Street
> New Brunswick, NJ 08901
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Wayne D. Gray; Professor of Cognitive Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Carnegie Building (rm 108) ;;for all surface mail & deliveries
110 8th St.; Troy, NY 12180

EMAIL: grayw at rpi.edu, Office: 518-276-3315, Fax: 518-276-3017

for general information see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/

for On-Line publications see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/pubs/downloadable_pubs.htm

for the CogWorks Lab see: http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/cogworks/

If you just have formalisms or a model you are doing "operations  
research" or" AI", if you just have data and a good study you are  
doing "experimental psychology", and if you just have ideas you are  
doing "philosophy" -- it takes all three to do cognitive science.

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