[ACT-R-users] launching the GUI from eclipse

"Marc Halbrügge" marc.halbruegge at gmx.de
Thu May 22 04:53:51 EDT 2008

Hi Pete,

> >
> >> Is it possible to start the GUI from Eclipse. I got the load act-r 6
> >> file to work and got my models running. The tutorial I am going
> >> through seems to heavily rely on the GUI when explaining the lessons.
> >> I tried going through the manual to launch the GUI by:
> >> -loading ACT-R
> >> -double clicking the TCL 'Start Environment' EXE
> >> -loading the (start-environment) function
> >>
> >> i got an error: Not supported in unithread builds
Are you using CUSP (Eclipse plugin for LISP)?

CUSP comes with a simple SBCL version, but you can easily change that to another one that is installed on your machine. 


> >>
> >> thanks,
> >> pete
> >>
> I don't know what Eclipse is, so I can't offer much in
> the way of details, but I'll tell you what I can.
> To run the ACT-R environment you need to have a Lisp with
> multithreading capabilities, but that looks like it's the
> non-threaded version of SBCL.  So, it looks to me like
> you won't be able to run the environment with the setup
> that you have, but if you can change it to use a different
> Lisp, like CMUCL or a threaded build of SBCL, then you
> should be able to run it.
> Dan
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