[ACT-R-users] GOMS Paper

Robert West rlwest at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 10:40:11 EDT 2007

GOMS Paper

I thought some people might be interested in the GOMS paper that we
just published

The main idea in the paper is to argue that cognitive modeling is
useful and relevant for designing complex sociotechnical systems. I
know that most people on this list already think this but apparently
there are people who do not agree, particularly in the area called
macrocognition. The paper also presents a specific way of using GOMS
to model work in sociotechnical systems along with supporting data.
Writing this paper was an interesting experience as apparently some of
the things that cognitive modelers take for granted can be quite
alarming to the people in macrocognition. This resulted in a huge
amount of back and forth and negotiation in the writing in order to
make it acceptable to the macrocogniton folks, which was an
interesting experience. Anyway, if you are interested, it is here:

Using GOMS for Modeling Routine Tasks Within Complex Sociotechnical
Systems: Connecting Macrocognitive Models to Microcognition
Authors: West, Robert L.; Nagy, Gabriella
Source: Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Volume
1, Number 2, Summer 2007 , pp. 186-211(26)

Dr. Robert L.West
Institute of Cognitive Science
Department of Psychology
Carleton University

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