[ACT-R-users] abstract models & designing from specifications

Gustavo Lacerda actr at optimizelife.com
Wed Jul 19 15:00:42 EDT 2006

Hello all,

I imagine that it might be nice to be able to formally represent
incomplete or abstract models, in order to reason about them (or
possibly to perform abstract simulations, in which e.g. some
parameters are not precisely instantiated, or some
production-sequences don't have a specified amount of time to last).

For instance, instead of speculatively implementing a particular
sequence of productions, one could stick to writing a specification
like "this part of our model takes input X and produces output Y",
since we don't know how exactly it gets from X to Y. And just as
design patterns in software engineering are used for creating software
from specifications, one could create a library of commonly-occurring
cognitive patterns for the purposes of later reuse in creating
plausible models.

Have these ideas been discussed before? Any references?


Gustavo Lacerda

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