[ACT-R-users] Submission deadline for HICSS38 (Hawaii): June 15

Paul Ward pward at lsi.fsu.edu
Mon May 31 10:10:16 EDT 2004

Please could you send the message below to all subscribers to the ACT-R
users lists
Thank you.
Paul Ward.

Dear all,
Please find below information for the Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences (HICSS38) to be  held in January, 2005. The deadline for
paper submission is quickly approaching: June 15. Our minitrack focuses on
the interface between humans and intelligent
technologies. Please contact me if you need further details.
Paul Ward
pward at lsi.fsu.edu

HICSS 38  (http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/) will be held Jan 3-6, 2005 on the
Big Island of Hawaii.  We encourage you to consider a submission to the
Software Technology Minitrack:

Integrating Humans with Intelligent Technologies: Merging Theories of
Collaborative Intelligence and Expert Cognition

This minitrack is a combination of collaborative intelligence and expert
cognition, focusing on the interface between humans and intelligent

We solicit topics in:
-        user interfaces developed from knowledge of human behavior and
human interaction with agents, robots, and sensors
-        metrics for evaluation of collaborative intelligence systems
-        theories of expertise
-        skill acquisition
-        mechanisms and models of expert cognition
-        adaptive and routine expert performance
-        expert-novice differences in complex real world tasks
-        mixed- initiative interaction
-        mixed human-computer initiative with adjustable autonomy
-        architectures to support symbiotic interaction
-        case studies of user interfaces/interactions with intelligent
-        affective user interfaces
-        teams of users and intelligent systems
-        development of models of computers for users and development of
models of users for computers
-        issues of trust and privacy in symbiotic interfaces
-        social implications of physiological measures of humans
-        determining and monitoring cognitive status of users
-        multi-modal interfaces for input and output
-        domains such as intelligence analysis or tutoring systems where
intelligent systems may be employed
-        issues that may arise with intelligent systems and modeling

June 15, 2004              Electronic submission of papers completed
August 15, 2004            Submission notifications out

Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Jean Scholtz
Martha  Crosby
Paul Ward

Contact Details:
Jean Scholtz (Primary Contact)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 8940
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Fax: 301-975-5287
jean.scholtz at nist.gov

Martha Crosby
Department of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Hawaii
1680 East West Center Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
crosby at uhics.ics.hawaii.edu

Paul Ward
Learning Systems Institute
Florida State University
2000 Levy Ave
Suite 320, Bldg.A
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2735
pward at lsi.fsu.edu

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