[ACT-R-users] Extension to BRIMS Submission Deadline

Kevin.Gluck at mesa.afmc.af.mil Kevin.Gluck at mesa.afmc.af.mil
Wed Jan 28 23:01:53 EST 2004

Due to a variety of external factors, the BRIMS submission deadline is being
extended to February 13. The updated conference preparation dates are posted
below and may also be seen on the BRIMS site at

All Submissions Due: 13 February 2004
Authors Notification: 17 March 2004
Final Electronic Draft Due: 9 April 2004
Presentations Due: 12 May 2004
BRIMS 2004 Begins: 17 May 2004

Please get your submissions in by the new (extended) deadline!

Also, while you're visiting the conference website, please note the bio on
Michael Durant, our 2004 BRIMS Conference Keynote Speaker.



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