[ACT-R-users] Postdoc and graduate student openings

Dario Salvucci salvucci at cs.drexel.edu
Wed Dec 8 10:07:50 EST 2004

Our research group (http://hcil.cs.drexel.edu) has openings for a 
post-doc and a PhD student starting in spring or fall 2005.

The post-doc position focuses on computational cognitive modeling in 
complex dynamic tasks.  This particular funded project (NSF ITR) 
focuses on the domains of driving and driver distraction; however, we 
are generally interested in modeling of any complex domains that 
involve integration and coordination of multiple perceptual-motor 

Interested PhD students can soon apply to our Computer Science PhD 
program (approval expected shortly, approximately 8-10 students already 
enrolled pending approval).  Our research group, which now includes a 
number of students (1 PhD, 3 MS, 2-4 undergrad) and continues to grow, 
integrates theoretical research of how people think and behave with 
practical applications to real-world complex tasks such as driving and 

Drexel University is located in the heart of Philadelphia, the 
fifth-largest city in the U.S. and home to a wide variety of culture, 
entertainment, and nightlife.  Our research group is part of Drexel's 
Department of Computer Science, a small but lively department with 
active associations with Drexel's College of Media Arts & Design and 
College of Information Science & Technology.

Please email Dario Salvucci (salvucci @ cs.drexel.edu) and/or Frank Lee 
(fjl @ cs.drexel.edu) for more information about either of these 
opportunities.  Thanks.

Dario & Frank

Dario Salvucci, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Drexel University

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