[ACT-R-users] computational basis of act-r

Robert L. West robert_west at carleton.ca
Mon Jan 20 09:26:25 EST 2003

by way of clarifying the distinction between symbolic systems, dynamic
systems, neural nets, and ACT-R, West & Lebiere (2001) presents a discussion
of this issue and a dynamic systems model of a symbolic system constructed
using neural networks. Lebiere & West (1999) presents an ACT-R model that
produces the same dynamic properties as the neural network model. For more
general discussions on this, Bechtel and Clark are excellent.


Bechtel, W. (1998). Representations and cognitive explanations: Assessing
the dynamicist's challenge in cognitive science. Cognitive Science, 22(3),

Clark, A. (1997). Being there: Putting brain, body and world together again.
MA: MIT Press.

Clark, A. (1998). The dynamic challenge. Cognitive Science, 21 (4), 461-481.

Clark, A. (1999). Where brain, body, and world collide. Journal of Cognitive
Lebiere, C., & West, R. L. (1999). Using ACT-R to model the dynamic
properties of simple games. The Proceedings of Cognitive Science.

West, R. L., & Lebiere, C. (2001). Simple games as dynamic, coupled systems:
Randomness and other emergent properties. Cognitive Systems Research, 1(4),

Dr. Robert L. West
Department of Cognitive Science
Department of Psychology (send snail mail here)
Carleton University

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Petrov" <apetrov at uci.edu>
To: <act-r-users at act-r.psy.cmu.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ACT-R-users] computational basis of act-r

> >As for the opinion that started this thread, it brought to mind
> >Khrushchev's old quote: "History is on our side.  We will bury you."
> >Prediction is a tricky business, as we all know.
> Excellent point, Christian.  Let's all contribute as much as we can, in
> ways that each of us finds most promising, and the issues will sort
> themselves out in the end.
> Cheers!
>    Alex
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