Request for cog. model evaluation ref's.

Dario Salvucci Dario_Salvucci at
Wed Nov 5 23:50:16 EST 1997

> 	So I'm interested in literature on the subject of evaluating
> the performance of cognitive models, especially with respect to 
> the sequential predictions they make in comparison to the responses
> actually made by subjects. If anyone could share any leads, I'd be 
> obliged.

You may also be interested in the following work, which discusses this
topic in relation to Soar.  The work includes an application of (among
other techniques) the Card, Moran, & Newell (1983) sequence matching

Ritter, F. E. (1992).  A methodology and software environment for
testing process model's sequential predictions with protocols.
Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon

Ritter, F. E., & Larkin, J. H. (1994).  Developing process models as
summaries of HCI action sequences.  Human-Computer Interaction, 9,

 - Dario

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